Bravo Kennel, LLC
Florida, USA
cell: (917)453-3226

WhatsApp: 1-917-453-3226

Facetime: 1-917-453-3226

Skype: bravokennelskype

Please call between 11am and 9pm (7 Days a Week)

Bravo Kennel Code of Ethics (in order of importance):

  1. What is Best for the Presa Canario Breed must always come first.
  2. The Bravo Kennel customers must all be treated equally and fairly. Be available to help your customers for as long as they need you.
  3. Bravo Kennel (Presa Canario’s) comes third.
  4. As a Presa Canario Kennel owner, I must always be prepared to be the last of importance.