American Champions from Spanish Champions
Direct Spanish Proven World Class Champion Bloodlines
BRAVO KENNEL is also the first and only kennel to breed a Presa/Dogo Canario outside of Spain and bring it back to its country of origin (Tenerife, Spain) to compete in the most prestigious Presa/Dogo Canario dog show, the Spanish Monograficá. To date, Bravo Kennel has participated in the 2008 and 2010 Spanish Monograficá (with U.S. born and bred Bravo Kennel dogs) as well as the 2009 Spanish National where Bravo Kennel showed and handled dogs for local Tenerife breeders. Bravo Kennel has been to Tenerife and Spain on four separate occasions (Please Refer to Spain Page). All of these trips were to compete in major shows there, or to enhance the Bravo Kennel Champion breeding program with new champion Spanish bloodlines. Bravo Kennel looks forward to its future trips back to Spain to see our friends, their outstanding dogs, and to bring back new Spanish Champion bloodlines to the U.S. again.

Rarities top Presa Canario for 2006 – Master Supreme Grand Champion Luna #1.
Rarities top Presa Canario in 2007 – Master Supreme Grand Champion Bravo Kennel’s Nay-Na #1
American Monographica 2008 – Master Supreme Grand Champion, Bravo Kennel’s Nay-Na “Best In Show”, “#1 Female in Show”, “Best Champion Female in Show”
DCCA National Specialty 2008 – Master Supreme Grand Champion, Bravo Kennel’s Nay-Na #1 won “Best in Show.”
NAKC top 2 Presa Canarios for 2008 – Hall of Fame Holder, Master Supreme Grand Champion, Bravo Kennel’s Nay-Na #1 and Master Supreme Grand Champion Luna #2
NAKC top 2 Presa Canarios for 2009 – Bravo Kennel’s Liea Supreme Grand Champion, #1 Presa Canario and #1 Junior Puppy for 2009 in the NAKC Dog Show circuit. Established new record for winning 27 Junior Puppy Best in Show wins (6 to 12 month class). First Junior Puppy of any breed to finish in the Adult Top Ten Dog of the Year in NAKC dog shows. She was the #3 Dog of the Year in the Adult Class when she was a Junior Puppy (6 to 12 months). Bravo Kennel’s Colossus Ajax pending Grand Champion, finished #2 Presa Canario for 2009.
NAKC and ARBA #1 Presa Canario for 2010 and 2011– Grand Champion Bravo Kennel’s Chula and Top Ten Dog of the Year Award Winner in NAKC, #6 in ARBA, for 2010.
UPPCC 2013 National – Bravo Kennels DYNO. – “Best In Show”, “Best Male In Show”, “Best Of Breed In Show”
DCCA Monographica 2013 – Bravo Kennels ENVY- “Best In Show”, “Best Female In Show”
BRAVO KENNEL is a family oriented kennel producing limited litters, offering quality pups for show, work and family. We raise our dogs and pups in our home and the pups begin socialization at a very early age. Our focus is on stable temperment, confirmation and spirit in our breeding program and to maintain the Spanish standard of the Presa Canario breed. We use our dogs for show; therefore I raise my personal dogs to be friendly. Their temperment is excellent and very stable. Although, without any formal training, they fearlessly defend my home and car if approached by any stranger.
6 Time Champion – Luna

- ARBA Champion
- ARBA Master Champion
- NAKC International Champion
- NAKC Grand Champion
- NAKC Supreme Grand Champion
- NAKC Master Supreme Grand Champion
7 Time Champion – Nay-Na

- ARBA Champion
- ARBA Master Champion
- NAKC International Champion
- NAKC Grand Champion
- NAKC Supreme Grand Champion
- NAKC Master Supreme Grand Champion
- NAKC Hall of Fame Champion
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